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Adirondack Dog Food Review

Adirondack Dog Food Review

Adirondack Dog Food Review

Company HQ

Parent company

Adirondack Pet Food

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Dry Dog Food, Dry Puppy Food
Nutrient Value 38%
Quality of Ingredients 68%
Recall History 100%
Price 77%
Customer Experience 72%
Manufacturing Method 40%

Where to buy



  • To our knowledge, Adirondack has never had a product recall
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • Affordable
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Lower than average protein content

Adirondack Dog Food Review


Ever wondered what’s behind the Adirondack dog food brand that’s been causing quite the buzz? Well, today’s your lucky day. Buckle up, pet parents! We’re diving deep.

The Origins of Adirondack

This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill dog food brand. Adirondack has roots that date back decades, bringing a blend of nature’s best. But what really sets it apart?

What Sets Adirondack Apart

Their philosophy? Simplicity. Using minimal ingredients for maximum nutrition, Adirondack believes in purity over complexity. Kind of like how we’d enjoy a simple yet deeply satisfying meal, right?

Ingredient Analysis

Now, onto the heart of the matter. What goes into Adirondack?

Prime Ingredients

Picture this: fresh trout swimming against the current, wild-caught and packed with nutrients. That’s the kind of primary ingredient Adirondack boasts. Couple that with a mix of veggies and grains, and you have a balanced meal for your fur buddy.

What’s Missing

No fillers. No artificial preservatives. It’s like that refreshing hike in the woods – pure and unadulterated.

Nutritional Profile

Does Adirondack meet the mark when it comes to nutrition?

Protein Content

It’s like giving your dog a protein-packed punch. Enough to keep them active, not excessive to weigh them down.

Fats, Fibers, and Carbs

They’ve struck a balance, like a well-choreographed dance number. Energy, digestion, and health – it’s all there.

Flavor Range

Because let’s face it, dogs need variety too!

Chicken and potato stew, anyone? How about some lamb and rice curry? With Adirondack, it’s a gourmet meal every day.

Customer Testimonials

The Good

“I never thought Bella would be this active again!” – says a dog parent from Maine.

Room for Improvement

Some wish for more grain-free options. But hey, no brand is perfect, right?

Pricing and Value

Quality at an affordable price. It’s like getting that premium latte for the price of a regular one.


Adirondack isn’t just a brand; it’s a philosophy. A promise of purity, balance, and nature’s best for your fur baby. So, the next time you’re looking for dog food, remember this brand. After all, doesn’t your pet deserve the best?

Brand Overview

Adirondack pet food has been on the market for over 40 years. The company began as a small feed mill; these days, it focuses on limited, premium ingredients. While Adirondack’s horse treats contain oats, all of its recipes for cats and dogs are grain free. Adirondack pet foods are slow-cooked at low temperatures for enhanced nutrition.

How Much Does Adirondack Dog Food Cost

We’ve compared Adirondack dog food price to the other dog food brands in our database.

Adirondack Dry Dog Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$2.94$3.69-20%
Price per 100 kcal$0.18$0.34-45%
Price per day$0.11$0.20-45%

Adirondack Dry Dog Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Adirondack Dry Puppy Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$2.71$3.84-29%
Price per 100 kcal$0.16$0.23-32%
Price per day$0.09$0.14-36%

Adirondack Dry Puppy Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Adirondack Nutrient Profile Comparison

We’ve compared Adirondack dog food recipes nutrient profile to the other dog food brands in our database.

Dry Dog Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein27.87%30.01%-7%
DM Fat15.56%15.86%-2%
DM Fiber4.91%5.48%-10%
DM Carb51.67%47.73%+8%

Dry Puppy Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein33.33%32.35%+3%
DM Fat22.22%17.94%+24%
DM Fiber4.22%4.66%-9%
DM Carb40.22%44.25%-9%

All of Adirondack dog food recipes meets AAFCO’s minimum requirements.

Recall History

The following list (if present) shows all dog food recalls related to Adirondack Dog Food Review since 2011. If no recalls are listed, no recall events have been reported.

Since 2011 Adirondack has never been recalled.


Is Adirondack suitable for puppies?

Yes, they have a range tailored for the younger ones.

How does Adirondack ensure ingredient quality?

Their rigorous testing and farm-to-bowl approach ensure top-notch quality.

Are there any recalls associated with Adirondack?

It’s always best to check the latest updates on their official site.

Can I use Adirondack for my senior dog?

Absolutely! They have specific formulations for senior dogs.

Where can I purchase Adirondack dog food?

You can find them in major pet stores and online retailers.


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