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Comprehensive Guide to Quickly Rescue a Near-Drowning Puppy in Critical Condition: Step-by-Step Instructions

When a puppy is in critical condition due to near-drowning, immediate and effective action is essential to save its life. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions to quickly rescue a near-drowning puppy and ensure the best chance of survival and recovery.

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1. Assess the Situation

Before you begin any rescue efforts, quickly assess the situation to ensure your safety and the puppy’s. Determine if the puppy is still in the water or has been removed. If the puppy is still in the water, carefully and swiftly remove it to a safe and dry area.

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2. Check for Breathing and Pulse

Once the puppy is out of the water, check for breathing and a pulse:

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  • Breathing: Look for chest movements, listen for breath sounds, and feel for air coming from the nose or mouth.
  • Pulse: Check for a pulse by feeling the heartbeat on the left side of the chest just behind the elbow or by feeling for the femoral artery on the inner thigh.

If the puppy is not breathing and has no pulse, begin CPR immediately.

3. Perform CPR if Necessary

If the puppy is unresponsive and not breathing, follow these steps to perform CPR:

  1. Position the Puppy: Lay the puppy on its right side on a flat surface.
  2. Clear the Airway: Open the puppy’s mouth and clear any obstructions, including water.
  3. Rescue Breaths: Close the puppy’s mouth and place your mouth over its nose. Give two gentle breaths, ensuring the chest rises with each breath.
  4. Chest Compressions: Place one hand over the other on the widest part of the puppy’s chest. Compress the chest about one-third to one-half its depth. Perform 30 compressions followed by two rescue breaths.
  5. Repeat: Continue CPR with cycles of 30 compressions and two breaths until the puppy starts breathing or professional help arrives.

4. Remove Excess Water

If the puppy is breathing but still has water in its lungs, you need to remove as much water as possible:

  1. Hold the Puppy: Hold the puppy with its head lower than its chest.
  2. Drain the Water: Gently press on the abdomen to help expel water from the lungs and airway.

5. Keep the Puppy Warm

Hypothermia is a common issue in near-drowning cases. Ensure the puppy is kept warm:

  • Dry the Puppy: Use towels to dry the puppy thoroughly.
  • Warm Environment: Place the puppy in a warm, dry area. Use a heating pad set on low or a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel to provide additional warmth.

6. Seek Veterinary Care

Even if the puppy appears to recover, it’s crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. Complications such as pneumonia or secondary drowning can occur hours after the incident.

  • Transport Carefully: Keep the puppy warm and calm during transport.
  • Inform the Veterinarian: Provide details of the incident and any first aid measures you administered.

7. Monitor for Delayed Symptoms

After the initial rescue and veterinary care, monitor the puppy closely for any delayed symptoms, including:

  • Coughing or Difficulty Breathing: Signs of fluid in the lungs or pneumonia.
  • Lethargy or Weakness: Indicators of ongoing issues or infections.
  • Behavioral Changes: Any unusual behavior that could signify neurological damage or distress.


Rescuing a near-drowning puppy in critical condition requires quick thinking and decisive action. By following this comprehensive guide and step-by-step instructions, you can significantly increase the chances of the puppy’s survival and recovery. Always remember that professional veterinary care is essential, and even after initial rescue efforts, continuous monitoring is crucial to ensure the puppy’s health and well-being.



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