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Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Review

Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Review

Country Vet Naturals Dog Food
Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Review

Company HQ

Parent company

Consumers Supply Distributing

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Dry Dog Food, Dry Senior Dog Food, Dry Puppy Food
Nutrient Value 38%
Quality of Ingredients 69%
Recall History 100%
Price 84%
Customer Experience 70%
Manufacturing Method 40%

Where to buy



  • To our knowledge, Country Vet Naturals has never had a product recall
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • Affordable
  • Country Vet Naturals makes a diverse range of foods for various ages, sizes, and lifestyles
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Lower than average protein content

Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Review

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Pacing down the pet food aisle, overwhelmed by choices, and confused about which brand to trust. Country Vet Naturals might be a name that caught your attention. But is it worth the hype? Let’s dive in!


In a world overflowing with dog food brands, finding the perfect fit for your furry friend can be daunting. Let’s explore what Country Vet Naturals has to offer and if it’s the right choice for your dog.

What is Country Vet Naturals?

  • Brief History

    Country Vet Naturals, as the name suggests, stems from a passion for natural and holistic pet nutrition. Founded decades ago, their aim was simple: provide wholesome nutrition for every dog, big or small.

  • Product Line Overview

    They offer a variety of products ranging from puppy formulas to those tailored for seniors. Each product claims to address specific needs, making it a diverse brand for pet owners.

Ingredients Analysis

  • Primary Ingredients

    The primary ingredients include real meats like chicken, beef, and fish. They also utilize wholesome grains and vegetables. Sounds like a balanced meal, right?

  • Additives and Preservatives

    Unlike many commercial brands, Country Vet Naturals prides itself on avoiding artificial preservatives. They lean towards natural alternatives, ensuring a healthier meal for your pet.

Nutritional Value

  • Protein Content

    A dog’s diet should be protein-rich. With Country Vet Naturals, you’re guaranteed a protein-packed meal with every serving.

  • Fats and Oils

    Healthy fats are essential for your dog’s coat and overall health. This brand ensures a balanced inclusion of essential oils and fats.

  • Carbohydrates and Fibers

    Just the right amount to give your dog the energy it needs without overloading its system.

Benefits of Country Vet Naturals

  • Natural Ingredients

    Who doesn’t want a natural diet for their pet? This brand promises and delivers on its commitment to natural ingredients.

  • Suitable for All Ages

    Whether a sprightly puppy or a wise old dog, there’s something for everyone.

  • Digestibility

    Easy on the stomach, especially for those sensitive souls!

Possible Concerns

  • Price Point

    Quality often comes at a price. While Country Vet Naturals isn’t the cheapest, it’s an investment in your dog’s health.

  • Availability

    Limited to certain stores and regions. Always check availability before committing.

Customer Testimonials

Jane from Texas says, “My dog loves it!” while Mike from Florida feels it’s “A bit pricey, but worth every penny.”


To feed or not to feed? That’s the question. Country Vet Naturals offers a blend of natural ingredients, tailored nutrition, and a promise of quality. It might be on the pricier side, but as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” It’s a worthy contender in the vast ocean of dog food brands.

Brand Overview

Country Vet Naturals has been offering premium pet food since 1956. With natural formulas for dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens, this brand also offers natural dog cookies. Most of the treats and pet foods on Country Vet Naturals’ menu are grain-free, with no corn, wheat, or soy.

How Much Does Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Cost

We’ve compared Country Vet Naturals dog food price to the other dog food brands in our database.

Country Vet Naturals Dry Dog Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$2.24$3.69-39%
Price per 100 kcal$0.14$0.34-59%
Price per day$0.08$0.20-60%

Country Vet Naturals Dry Dog Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Country Vet Naturals Dry Senior Dog Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$2.00$3.81-48%
Price per 100 kcal$0.13$0.32-58%
Price per day$0.08$0.19-58%

Country Vet Naturals Dry Senior Dog Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Country Vet Naturals Dry Puppy Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$2.08$3.84-46%
Price per 100 kcal$0.12$0.23-47%
Price per day$0.07$0.14-50%

Country Vet Naturals Dry Puppy Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Country Vet Naturals Nutrient Profile Comparison

We’ve compared Country Vet Naturals dog food recipes nutrient profile to the other dog food brands in our database.

Dry Dog Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein29.45%30.01%-2%
DM Fat17.78%15.86%+12%
DM Fiber3.75%5.48%-32%
DM Carb49.03%47.73%+3%

Dry Senior Dog Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein26.67%28.44%-6%
DM Fat11.11%13.38%-17%
DM Fiber3.33%5.48%-39%
DM Carb58.89%51.94%+13%

Dry Puppy Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein31.11%32.35%-4%
DM Fat20.00%17.94%+11%
DM Fiber2.78%4.66%-40%
DM Carb46.11%44.25%+4%

All of Country Vet Naturals dog food recipes meets AAFCO’s minimum requirements.

Recall History

The following list (if present) shows all dog food recalls related to Country Vet Naturals Dog Food Review since 2011. If no recalls are listed, no recall events have been reported.

Since 2011 Country Vet Naturals has never been recalled.


Is Country Vet Naturals suitable for puppies?

Absolutely! They have a range tailored just for puppies.

Are there any grain-free options?

Yes, they offer both grain-inclusive and grain-free options.

Where is Country Vet Naturals manufactured?

It’s proudly made in the USA.

Is it suitable for dogs with allergies?

They have specific formulas for sensitive dogs. Always consult with your vet first.

Can I switch my dog to Country Vet Naturals immediately?

It’s recommended to transition slowly over a week to avoid digestive upset.


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