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” Necɾopolis ” is located ιn the vilƖage of Grannon in The La Rioja regιon, norThern Spain

A startling discovery has unfolded in the village of Grannon in the La Rioja region of northern Spain, as an ancient necropolis with more than 100 ancient remains has been unearthed.

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This revelation came about during an archaeological exploration of the historical landscape of La Rioja. A team of archaeologists was conducting extensive excavations when they stumbled upon a subterranean area containing invaluable relics of the past.

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Described as a “city of the dead,” this site served as a burial ground for ancient inhabitants. Over 100 ancient remains have been unearthed, along with artifacts and fossils providing insights into the lives and culture of ancient peoples in the region.

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According to researchers, this site may have been in use for thousands of years, with evidence of burial practices and ritualistic ceremonies dedicated to their deities.

This discovery is garnering significant attention from the global archaeological community and is expected to yield valuable insights into the ancient history of La Rioja, Spain.

The attention of the global archaeological community is now focused on this discovery, anticipating further revelations about humanity’s distant past.


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