USA – In an incident that has left park rangers and wildlife experts baffled, a gibbon has been spotted casually smoking a cigarette at a national park in the United States. The bizarre occurrence was captured on video by a park visitor who shared the footage online, quickly turning the primate into an internet sensation.

The video shows the gibbon, a female white-cheeked gibbon named Lola, perched on a rock and puffing away on a cigarette. The gibbon appears to be quite comfortable with the habit, holding the cigarette between its fingers and taking deep drags.

Park rangers were alerted to the incident after the video went viral and immediately launched an investigation. They discovered that Lola had been obtaining cigarettes from park visitors, who were likely giving them to her as a form of amusement.
“We are very concerned about Lola’s health and well-being,” stated park ranger Sarah Jones. “Smoking is obviously harmful to humans, and it is even more dangerous for animals. We are urging visitors to refrain from feeding or interacting with wildlife in any way.”

Gibbons are highly intelligent primates native to Southeast Asia. They are not naturally inclined to smoke and are likely to experience negative health effects from exposure to nicotine and other harmful chemicals in cigarettes.
Lola’s smoking habit has sparked a debate about animal behavior and the impact of human actions on wildlife. Some experts believe that Lola may have learned the behavior from observing humans, while others suggest that she may be self-medicating to cope with stress or boredom.
Park officials are working with wildlife experts to develop a plan to address Lola’s smoking habit. They are also considering implementing stricter regulations to prevent visitors from feeding or interacting with wildlife in the park.
In the meantime, they are asking visitors to help them by reporting any sightings of Lola or other animals being given cigarettes or other inappropriate items.
“We can all do our part to protect wildlife by respecting their natural behaviors and habitats,” said Jones. “Let’s leave the smoking to humans and allow animals to live healthy, natural lives.”
Lola’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible interactions with wildlife. By understanding and respecting the needs of animals, we can help ensure their well-being and preserve the natural world for future generations.