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Purina Beneful Dog Food Review

Purina Beneful Dog Food Review

Purina Beneful Dog Food Logo
Purina Beneful Dog Food Review

Company HQ

Parent company

Nestlé Purina PetCare Company

Sourcing and Manufacturing

Type of food

Wet Dog Food, Dry Dog Food, Dry Puppy Food
Nutrient Value 62%
Quality of Ingredients 61%
Recall History 42%
Price 75%
Customer Experience 85%
Manufacturing Method 47%

Where to buy



  • High protein content
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • Affordable
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives


  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • The brand has been previously recalled
  • Some recipes list unnamed meat by-products

When it comes to our furry companions, providing them with the best nutrition is a priority. Purina Beneful Dog Food has gained significant popularity among pet owners seeking a balanced and flavorful diet for their dogs. In this detailed review, we’ll dive into the world of Purina Beneful Dog Food to understand its ingredients, benefits, flavors, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or a newcomer to the world of canine care, this review will provide you with the insights you need to make an informed decision for your beloved four-legged friend.

Purina Beneful Dog Food Review


Purina Beneful Dog Food is a premium pet food brand designed to cater to the nutritional needs of dogs. With a variety of flavors and formulations, Beneful offers options for different ages, sizes, and preferences of dogs. Here’s a closer look at what makes this dog food stand out:

Quality Ingredients for Optimal Nutrition

Purina Beneful is dedicated to using high-quality ingredients to provide a balanced and nutritious meal for your dog. The brand emphasizes real meat, vegetables, and grains in their recipes, ensuring that your canine friend receives essential nutrients for energy, growth, and overall health.

Range of Flavors to Delight Your Dog’s Palate

One of the highlights of Purina Beneful Dog Food is the range of flavors available. From savory beef to tender chicken and even seafood options, Beneful offers a variety that your dog will love. The inclusion of real meat not only enhances the taste but also provides valuable protein sources.

Formulations Tailored to Your Dog’s Needs

Purina Beneful recognizes that different dogs have different nutritional requirements. They offer formulations designed for puppies, adult dogs, and seniors. Whether your dog needs more calories for growth or specific nutrients for joint health, there’s a Beneful formula to meet those needs.

Beneful’s Commitment to Safety

Pet owners are understandably concerned about the safety of the food they give their dogs. Purina Beneful takes this seriously and adheres to strict quality control standards. Their rigorous testing and quality assurance processes ensure that the food is safe and free from contaminants.

Real Experiences: What Pet Owners Say

To gauge the effectiveness of any dog food, it’s crucial to look at real experiences. Many pet owners have reported positive changes in their dogs’ health and energy levels after switching to Purina Beneful. Improved coat quality, increased vitality, and satisfied appetites are commonly mentioned benefits.


Purina Beneful Dog Food offers a range of high-quality options to satisfy your dog’s taste buds while providing essential nutrients for their well-being. With a focus on real ingredients, tailored formulations, and a commitment to safety, Beneful has gained the trust of pet owners worldwide. The positive experiences shared by dog owners further validate the brand’s effectiveness. As always, it’s recommended to consult your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet. Choose Purina Beneful with confidence, knowing that you’re giving your canine companion the nourishment they deserve.


Is Purina Beneful suitable for all dog breeds?

Yes, Beneful offers formulas for various breed sizes and life stages, ensuring that every dog can find a suitable option.

Can I transition my dog to Beneful immediately?

It’s recommended to transition gradually over 7-10 days to prevent digestive upset. Mix Beneful with your dog’s current food and adjust the proportions gradually.

Are there grain-free options in Beneful?

While Beneful contains grains, the brand also offers grain-free options for dogs with specific dietary preferences or sensitivities.

How can I store Beneful dog food?

To maintain freshness, store Beneful in a cool, dry place, and ensure the bag is properly sealed after each use.

Is Beneful suitable for dogs with allergies?

Beneful provides a variety of options, but if your dog has allergies, consult your veterinarian before making a decision.

Can I mix different flavors of Beneful?

Mixing flavors is possible and can be a great way to add variety to your dog’s meals. Just ensure the transition is gradual.

Brand Overview

Purina Beneful includes a variety of options including wet, dry, and soft dog food. There are a number of different flavors to choose from. Purina Beneful also offers dog treats in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors.

How Much Does Purina Beneful Dog Food Cost

We’ve compared Purina Beneful dog food price to the other 197 dog food brands in our database.

Purina Beneful Wet Dog Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per oz$0.40$0.41-2%
Price per 100 kcal$1.39$1.55-10%
Price per day$0.83$0.93-11%

Purina Beneful Wet Dog Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$1.31$3.67-64%
Price per 100 kcal$0.08$0.34-76%
Price per day$0.05$0.20-75%

Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Purina Beneful Dry Puppy Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$1.44$3.84-63%
Price per 100 kcal$0.09$0.23-62%
Price per day$0.05$0.14-64%

Purina Beneful Dry Puppy Food is priced below the average market price for dog food.

Purina Beneful Nutrient Profile Comparison

We’ve compared Purina Beneful dog food recipes nutrient profile to the other 197 dog food brands in our database.

Wet Dog Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein46.14%43.02%+7%
DM Fat15.27%22.30%-32%
DM Fiber7.01%7.39%-5%
DM Carb31.58%26.20%+21%

Dry Dog Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein28.92%30.01%-4%
DM Fat13.99%15.86%-12%
DM Fiber5.05%5.48%-8%
DM Carb52.04%47.73%+9%

Dry Puppy Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein32.56%32.35%+1%
DM Fat16.28%17.94%-9%
DM Fiber4.65%4.66%-0%
DM Carb46.51%44.25%+5%

All of Purina Beneful dog food recipes meets AAFCO’s minimum requirements.

Recall History

The following list (if present) shows all dog food recalls related to Purina Beneful Dog Food Review since 2011. If no recalls are listed, no recall events have been reported.

Purina Beneful – Beneful Prepared Meals Simmered Beef Entree’ canned wet dog food (03/09/2016). Read report.


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